Monthly Custom Work Schedule- GOOGLE SHEETS VERSION
Keep track of all of your scheduled custom work in my easy to use Monthly Custom Work Schedule.
This was created from June 2024-December 2025 BUT you can easily add more sheets to keep on using this spreadsheet for as long as you would like.
Enjoy a clear, visual layout that allows you to see your monthly schedule at a glance, making it easy to manage projects and see what's coming up.
- Client Name
- Contact Information
- Furniture Type
- Date Dropping off
- Estimated Date of Completion
- Deposit Paid
- Deposit Receipt Sent?- Checkbox
- Amount Due
- Final Receipt Sent?- Checkbox
- Paid in Full? - Checkbox
You will receive a PDF Instruction page with links to create a FREE Google account, if you don't have one. And an access link to this spreadsheet. Which will pop open a browser tab where you will click MAKE A COPY.
You will receive a PDF Instruction page with links to create a FREE Google account, if you don't have one. And an access link to this spreadsheet. Which will pop open a browser tab where you will click MAKE A COPY.
File Format
This is a digital product. Nothing physical will be shipped to you. Ensure your email address is correctly entered on the checkout page. PDF download link will be delivered via the provided email address.
This is a personal single-use license, not for resale or professional use.